I am the Founder of the Translations I now offer work-shops & courses on a one to one basis or to groups here and abroad.

Julie Bloom Review
"The best part was letting the first 5 people who entered the exhibit do a translation, this meant being turned back to back with Julie to describe part of ones life story albeit short, Julie was able to create a drawing which summed up what we told her. These drawings perfectly described the story with some writing to enhance important moments in our story, all of us left feeling like a weight had been lifted, through the story telling , and then being able to go home with a digital copy was the icing on the cake. I can’t wait for the Julie’s next exhibition, it will be a showstopper for sure."
- Nathan Lee Grant

My concept was born in Lockdown during the Pandemic, the interview for
These were shown in London 2022 at a Solo exhibition. Footage has been and still is being gathered for a documentary .
The Translations process I devised begins with four deep breaths used to connect to one self & each other . The interview video with Robert Harkavey for Outlook News further down the page explains more.
I have worked with Age Concern, Westminster Council, MEWSO Domestic Violence, Residential care homes and Charities, This work is suitable for Schools, Prisons, Hospitals, Rehabillitation Centers of all kinds and other sectors including corporate. This practice is a very unique heart to art experience. My feed-back for the paintings has brought a lot of joy as people have felt ‘Heard’, one of the most important gifts we can as humans give to one another. The Translations also make beautiful presents, if you would like to order one or book one just get in touch I am also open to doing live performances at your events.
This story of Afganistan can be seen in full in real time upon request, I welcome the opportunity in working with Humanity without Borders MSF, and CFAB
Stills from the Video Performance I made to re-enact what had been shared with me
Press Play to listen to this beautiful translation for the Charity
If you would like to donate directly to Gap Kenya, please do they would be very grateful.
Gap Kenya
Acrylic on Paper
201 x 99cm
When Julie first contacted Gap Kenya about ‘Translations’, we didn’t know what to expect. This was certainly a new experience for our charity, but one which we are so very happy to be involved in.
The painting depicts everything about Gap Kenya, including the love and compassion given to Mombasa’s most vulnerable children and mothers.
Julie is such a talented lady and so obviously very caring. Her ability to translate words into pictures is amazing.
She is so easy to talk to and has the ability to understand exactly what you want to say.
As a charity, we are so very grateful for this opportunity Julie has provided to share about street children and the work Gap Kenya does. Thank you Julie Bloom ❤️.
Gayle Woods
Below is a painting done from the two testimonies that were sent to me, taken from two of the boys who have benefited by Gap Kenya

Told by Halaleh from MEWSO
Middle Eastern Women & Society Organisation

Be Warned the Video below is upsetting, the enactment I have done was as a request to demonstrate the issue of Domestic Voilence and Sarah's story sofar
Part of a longer interview with Robert Harkavy from Outnews Global

“I first encountered Julie’s work when a great photographer friend of mine introduced me to her. I was quite simply blown away by her ability to translate raw emotion and energy onto the canvas, creating whole domains of colour and texture that touch a nerve deep inside my own psyche. Because her work is not constrained by obvious figurative or landscape content, the eye is free to explore the layers within and discover its own worlds – for me and many others who have experienced her unique talents. For me Julie Bloom is the artist of choice as her abstract images sit as happily in very simple, contemporary interiors as in the lavish and the opulent. Julie’s work is simply thought provoking and beautiful, it brought back memories I will never forget.”
Dear Julie,
The whole translation was amazing. I’ve never thought of the lockdown as a picture painting! To depict the lockdown as a colorful story everyone can read is interesting! To get information of what the world got up to in this format is unusual.
I love the rainbow and the initial black & white drawing you made. My pictures read well! Thank you Julie for showing off this wonderful talent!
All the best
I really enjoyed the phone conversation I had with Julie. Lockdown hasn't been easy for anyone and I found somehow it was liberating to talk about it. Julie was a great listener.
I'd be happy to do another Translation session in person. When I received a copy of the painting I was really pleased as I felt it represented beautifully what I shared with Julie during our talk. It perfectly captured the spirit of it.
I would highly recommend this process to a friend.
I also feel it would help people with depression or old people in care homes as they often feel lonely and in need to tell their story to someone. Julie and her artistic approach would benefit both them and Julie herself and facilitate an important exchange of stories and feelings.
I'd be happy to take part in a future video.
Thank you so much Julie for the Translations. I really enjoyed your session was spiritual, lifted my spirits. I love this painting, it’s very beautiful and It will be my truly special one, painted with my favorite colors of peacock with perfection.
Best wishes! Love Bhavis
I found the experience a creative one, I would certainly do another one in person, to see how it varies from the phone translation you did (hopefully post-lockdown). I thought your interest in me was genuine and that you captured what I said in your artistic terms very well indeed.
I am very happy with your translation and would diffently recommend this verbal - artistic process to other people.
Thanks for asking.